Archive for the ‘Cassirer Studies XV/2022’ Category

Modern Political Myths (1922-2022) – Cassirer Studies (XV-2022)

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Modern Political Myths (1922-2022) is the title of the new volume (XV, 2022, pp. 104, € 20) of the journal «Cassirer Studies», published in Naples by Bibliopolis.
The volume, edited by Giulio Raio, deals with the question of the survival and rediscovery of right-wing political myths, myths and ideologies that are rising again one hundred years after the gloomy March on Rome, the symbolic episode of the advent of Fascism.
Ernst Cassirer, in his famous book The Myth of the State, published posthumously in 1946, a year after his death, and intended to stigmatise the propaganda and ideological apparatus of National Socialism, had discovered the key to modern political myth in its being an artificial myth, a technique at the service of politics and power.
Paul Cortois, Esther O. Pedersen, Giulio Raio, Enno Rudolph and Marc Tassier discuss Cassirer’s theory and the philosophical debate on political myths up to Blumenberg and beyond.